January 17, 2025

The final challenge: Shipping the Motomias back safely

From Sunday the only thing on our brains was “shipping”. We basically had three days to get the Motomias loaded and the admin sorted. Today is day three and we are a bit nervous about the time left to get everything done. The Egyptian system is a difficult one, bureaucratic and almost impossible without a fixer. At the moment we are at the entrance of the port, waiting with the Voetspore team and our assistant from the Trust Shipping company to get approval to enter the port.

Here we are looking nervous… waiting

Nervous smiles
As soon as that is done, we need to get clearance from the traffic department, sort out customs and then load the three Amaroks and two Motomias. Everything here is done in Arabic, including forms which make it a slow process.

This morning we drove our Motomias for a final time, this time without luggage – Alexandria traffic is something else! Here they are parked at the old fort.

Naked bikes
Andre from the Voetspore team takes some time to take the Motomia for a test drive…

Andre taking the bike for a spin
Our flights back to South Africa Johannesburg are booked for tomorrow at 13h40 from Cairo and we are sooo hoping that we will be ready to leave by then. We will be spending a quick three days there to catch up with family and friends before we fly back to Cape Town on Saturday afternoon. Later today we will have a better idea whether we are going to make it in time to get to the airport, but we are still positive that everything will work out fine!

Thanks for all the positive and supportive comments throughout the trip. We feel very fortunate to receive so many encouraging notes and appreciate all the support. We are super excited about coming home and sharing our stories. For those Crossing Africa addicts out there – we promise to keep the blog alive a little longer sharing some more detailed info in the next few weeks. We’ll post tonight to let you know the outcome of today.

15 thoughts on “The final challenge: Shipping the Motomias back safely

  1. Jey!! Bly julle stop bietjiee oor in Pretoria. Hoop ons kry die twee wonders op wiele te sien! Hou duim vas als loop reg vandag. xxx

  2. It’s sad in away, that the trip has come to an end.
    It was a high light reading your blog, from begining to end.
    Your final paragragh is a ray of sun shine,… to hear more.
    Thanks for all the effort to keep us posted.
    May you have a safe trip back.
    Best regards
    Brian Geyer

  3. Well done guys and gals. I thought at one stage you’d never make it. Especially when two or three days go by and we don’t see a new report.
    I am looking forward to meeting with you, hopefully, as I’m going to Kili next year and Id love to chat.
    Well done once again, and a safe trip home!
    Best regards
    Greg Brand

  4. Jislaaik Ouboet nou lyk jy regtig van die Bosveld en jy oortref jou boetie met daai koperbaard en hare! Tania lyk nog steeds so vol “smiles” en goed. Ek is seker alles was nie so maklik op die reis nie, maar julle avontuurlustigheid het geseëvier! Mooi skoot – julle is goeie voorbeeld vir baie jonges! Trots op julle! Voorspoed – ons glo alles sal tog reg uitwerk met die verskeping en terugreis.Groete uit die Suide – Kaapstad!

  5. Hi
    Francois moet nog deur die scanners en paspoort beheer gaan met daai baard.
    Sien julle een van die dae en Mabruk

  6. Ek hou duim vas dat alles goed verloop.
    Jammer ons sal julle nie Saterdag op die lughawe in Kaapstad kan verwelkom nie, maar ek en Andre vlieg Saterdagoggend Durban toe vir ‘n staptog van 5 dae in die iMfolozi wildtuin. Ons sal julle sien wanneer ons weer terug is by die huis.

  7. Nou raak almal haastig – julle om te vlieg uit Kairo, die Pretorianers vir die paar dae se kuier daar en ons (honde ingesluit!)hier in die Suide dat julle huistoe kom. Gaan julle stories mis, maar as ek moet kies: liewer julle in lewende lywe as ‘blog posts’. For those who don’t know them: : Those smiles are F & T’s trademarks! Always smiling, always positive and never a dull moment when with them. Love them! Esther (Mom)

  8. Baie geluk julle! Ek moet bieg ek het gedink die Motomias gaan dit wragtag nie maak nie. Julle het my verkeerd bewys, met baie guts! Baie respek vir julle!

  9. Ja Bileam se donkie het gepraat nê. So het die Motomias ook hul “stemme” dikgemaak tussen al die groot masjiene wat Noordwaarts gespin het!! Bravo Bravo vir die Steyns en hulle 200cc motomias!!

  10. Hi Franie en Tania, groot hoera vir julle twee en die Moto Mia’s. Julle het gewys watse “guts” jul in gemeen het – mens en masjien. Dit wil gedoen word. Julle het die legendes van Franse couples wat met Citroen 2CV’s van Parys na Kaapstad gereis het ge-ewenaar en verbeter. Ek het nog nie van ‘n 200cc motorfiets wat dit kon oorleef gehoor of gelees nie…!! Lekker terug vlieg. As jul Camel Jockey Airlines vlieg sal jul nie kan “fles vat” saam met aandete nie. Pak dus maar jul eie Oros in die handbagasie. Luv. Vrankois1

  11. Frannie, hoor by Andre of jy nie die Moto Mia’s vir ‘n Amarok kan ruil nie? Hy lyk so gelukkig en mooi op die foto en ek is seker hy wil onderbewustelik graag ‘n “mean” Harley biker wees. Voetspore hoef nie in te betaal nie al het jul voor hulle in Alexandria aangekom. (he he!!)Vrankois1

  12. Francois en Tania, dit is die eerste keer dat ek nou “comments” lewer. Het julle gevolg vandat julle vanaf die Kaap vertrek het….kon elke keer nie wag tot die volgende dag om te kon sien wat het op die trip gebeur het nie……bly julle veilig en op pad huistoe…gaan julle blog mis….
    Julle Motomias is tops…
    Tony (Namibia)

  13. Followed your whole trip regularly and enjoyed your posts. Was keen to see if the Motomias would make it and am considering the purchase of one now. Congratulations and well done.

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