I felt so sorry for Francois last night! I think he managed to pick up a bunch of fleas at the scruffy Sheriff Hotel in Moyale a few days back as he woke up this morning and we counted more than 70 itching bites all over his body! He struggled and fought with the tiny buggers all night, when I figured that they must be hiding in his sleeping bag as we slept on two different beds in Moyale and I was flea-free. So in the middle of the night, we kicked his bedding out and shared mine and that seemed to help a little.
Thus, the mission for today: FUMIGATE! But unfortunately not an easy thing to find this in Addis Abeba and all we could find was insect killer spray for mosquitos and flies – eish! Back at Holland House we sprayed the tent and his sleeping bag, but I am still a bit hesitant to allow the sleeping bag to return to the tent so wish us luck for tonight :o)
While hunting for the fumigator we also bought some supplies. Amongst others we could not resist something for the sweet tooth and we left with the following bag of fizzers – which means we can each have one for the rest of the trip :o) hehe
We also did another oil change this afternoon and then headed off one more time to get some more anti-itching cream as ours are now pretty much depleted after the battle between Francois and the fleas last night. We got two different brands and will try both to see what works best. We also tried again to find a place where we can buy local sim cards, but it is really really impossible to find. So we will have to try our luck at Internet Café’s in the next few days.
Here is our camp while Francois is busy with the oil change:
Here at Wim’s Holland House we have met two American women that will be travelling South through the Omo Valley. We bought their Egyptian Lonely Planet Guide from them which will help us a lot in Egypt. Other than that there haven’t been any other travellers. Unfortunately the legendary Wim, the owner of Holland House, is in Holland at the moment for a back operation so we are sorry to have missed him. Here Francois is enjoying a beer in the bar:
Tomorrow we will start heading North towards Lalibela and we will take about two nights’ sleep to get there. And tonight I hope that the battle with the fleas are over, but we are going in with enough spray to at least shock the buggers into a light sleep – wish us luck!
Haha (sorry ek lag) maar Fiela en haar kinders het my ook laasweek op die enkels beet gekry…te danke aan julle kinders, Spanner, Whiskey en Brandy! 🙂 Ek hoop die spuitgoed help. Ander lok julle net die kereltjies eenkant toe met ‘n fizzer of twee…!
Verd-mde goggas nê! Hoop hul vrek ‘n vroeë dood en pla jul nie weer nie. Hoop jul slaap rustig sonder daai ongenooide klein gaste. Voorspoed met reis noordwaarts en met die Internet konneksies.
‘Awesome’ foto’s van jul kamp by die meer! ‘Early bird’ danksy die nag-vlooie?! Hoop julle het hulle uitgeroei gekry en slaap in vrede vannag. Dalk help rum vir vlooie ook en nie net vir muskiete? Mooi ry na die klipkerke; klink na ‘n lang pad, ek hoop dis nie te rof. XXX
Awesome photos of the lake guys! Glad you made it to there. I hope you manage to sort out you internet soon. We all enjoy reading of your escapades on a daily basis. Cheers!
Dis dalk luise, eerder as flooie? Dan benodig julle iets sterkers as doom en juksalf en sal dalk eerder by ‘n apteek regkom.
Good luck met die eters!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ek wou nog se, Tania, jy lyk soos ‘n stout dogtertjie met daai pak fizzers! Is dit om skelm te eet in die nag as Francois slaap want dit lyk mos vir my hy eet jou kos op…. verbeel ek my of het jy gekrimp? 😉
Ek love julle wasgoedpale. ‘n Boer maak verseker ‘n plan!