We spent another day in Aswan waiting for the bikes to arrive, but still no luck. We are hoping that they will arrive tonight or tomorrow morning.
This morning we went with Johan from the Voetspore team to DHL to explore some more options in terms of shipping the three Amaroks and two Motomias back to South Africa from Alexandria in a few days’ time. We also contacted our neighbour, Mark back at home to see if we can’t sort something through his contacts in Egypt – thanks again Mark for all your help! Due to elections today it was difficult to get quotes but hopefully by tomorrow we will have some more options. The challenge with the shipping back home is not so much finding someone to ship it for us, but rather finding a company that can handle the entire process from start to finish, but that doesn’t charge an arm and a leg. Here in Egypt with the bureaucracy it becomes almost impossible to not make use of a local fixer, which always pushes up the cost quite a lot so we are trying to work around that as far as possible.
Talking about fixers… we have been in contact with Mohamed now here in Aswan to see if he can help us with clearing the bikes and cars tomorrow. He came to the hotel to chat with us, but even after our discussion I am still unsure of exactly how much this will all cost. It seems as if a few £50E notes here and there also speed up the process with officials phew… We will also need to make a few trips back and forth to Aswan and the port to get different parts of the process completed at different places. It sounds as if this will take another day or two so we are holding thumbs we can start tomorrow.
On a lighter note – In between all the admin today I spotted this little guy in our room and it really made my day!
The housekeeper really has a sense of humour and decided to present our towels in a somewhat different format than usual, making use of some added props. You got to love it! The Hathor Hotel feels like home by now and we have been enjoying our stay here very much.
Hi julle twee! Love die…uhm, pikkeswaan! 🙂 Net op die regte tyd ook, klink dit vir my… Ek’s bly julle bly darem gemaklik. Dink net as julle in een van daai vuil-muur dumps vasgevang was!? Mag die bikes vinnig arriveer en alles voorspoedig verloop. Ek het al gehoor die Egiptenare kan vol nonsens wees. Ek hoop nie die shipping breek julle budget te veel nie…
Sien julle binnekort!
Ai toggies ek hou duimvas en maak ogies toe dat alles mooi uitwerk vir julle almal. En dat julle favour sal het met die Egitenare. Tien uit tien vir daai huishoudster!! Moed hou. Ja dankie tog julle bly in ‘n lekker hotel. Voorspoed!! Ek dink aan julle.
Yes boet, smouse die bikes man, jy kan maar vir jou ‘n vuka koop as jy terug is! Good luck man!
Weet nie se gesig lyk die hartseerste nie, jy of die pikkeswaan? Laat sy vir jou goue eiers le…Hoop julle kom reg met die shipping agents sonder om al jul toergeld aan die fixers oor te betaal. Tjirs. V1x
Toe toe, julle het mos nou tyd. 🙂 Update bietjie daai “trip statistics” Ek is baie nuuskierig om te sien hoeveel kilos daai Motomias nou al agter die blad het.
Sterkte julle, ek lees elke dag julle blog.
Hi! Ek’s terug by julle huis, gaan goed met die honde; weet nie wie verlang die meeste, ek of hulle!! Sterkte daar met die finale reelings; geen rede om nou moed te verloor of negatief te raak nie. ‘Keep smiling as you always do’ en dit sal voorkant ook goed gaan. Hoop Mark kon julle in die hande kry? Selnr vir hom gegee.Kon julle die pikkeswaan reg opvou na gebruik?! Liefde, E