November 4, 2024

Egyptian pizza and another visit to the souq

Last night before we went to bed we heard a huge commotion in the street – music, drums, cars hooting and lots of people – A-ah! a wedding!

An egyptian wedding
We had a grand view up here from our hotel room. There was lots of dancing involved and first arrived what seemed like a pink bride, who after a while left with this flashy baby…

Wedding car
Then arrived another bride in a white dress and some more dancing continued. They spent quite some time outside in the street dancing and making music.

After a good breakfast at the hotel this morning we went downstairs to withdraw some money. For the past few days Abdullah, a felucca Nile-man, has been hanging around here and have been giving us a hard time following us and trying to persuade us to take a boat ride. Today Francois started talking Afrikaans to him and while Francois was withdrawing money, he asked me: “Does het not speak English? [very confused tone of voice]”. To which I answered: “ahhh you know not so much!”. This did the trick and he left still looking confused. We had to laugh as he took it almost as if Francois had some sort of weird infectious disease.

The hotel then helped us to organise a trip to Abu Simbel tomorrow morning early. We will be leaving here at 3h30am and will travel back down Lake Nasser with a bus to reach Abu Simbel, a spectacular temple next to the lake, which we have passed 280 km back when we were on the ferry. We will then be coming back a bit later in the day. Our bikes are still in transit from Wadi Halfa so we have some more time to kill and thus look forward to our visit there tomorrow.

There was some washing, reading and writing to be done today and then a nice long walk to get some food at a local bakery/pizza joint. Al-Taheera has the most amazing pizzas. Their Egyptian style pizza, which has an almost flaky sweeter taste than Italian pizza was incredible.

Egyptian pizza

They also had the most tempting delicacies in a display case in the front of the restaurant.

Delicacies of Al Taheer
We then braved a walk through the Souq again on our way back to the hotel.

The souq

We bought some delicious dates, really cheap compared to the price in South Africa. Here are some other interesting nuts for sale.


Back here we went up on the roof of the hotel to watch the sun set over Aswan – it remains a beautiful sight!

2 thoughts on “Egyptian pizza and another visit to the souq

  1. I really loved the market scenes! The bridal car is real scary, but she must have been in 7th heaven! Ons hang hier oor julle fotos en uitstekende skryfwerk en is bly dat julle dit alles so gemaklik hanteer het! Groete van veraf Kaapse familie!

  2. EK het Johan B gister hoor praat op RSG. Hy het toe vertel dan julle almal saam daar rondhang in Aswan in afwagting op die aankoms van julle vervoermiddels. Geniet die rustigheid en moet maar nie te haastig wees Kairo toe nie.
    Ons hou duimvas dat alles reg loop hierdie laaste week.
    Esther, as die honne nie genoeg vlooie het om die 2 te laat welkom voel wanneer hulle terug is nie, laat weet, my brakke het baie!

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