January 17, 2025

Buy one get one free

We left the Imperial Hotel

Imperial Hotel

in Wadi Medani without breakfast and instead went to one of the road side shops to buy some local bread and tomatoes. We asked for four tomatoes, but then received 4 Sudanese Pounds worth of tomatoes which was quite a lot :o) The pita-like bread was freshly baked and looked amazing. We then drove for a bit in search of a shady tree to have our breakfast, but it took some driving to locate one. Here we have just finished eating our stuffed tomato sandwiches.

Sudan stop
The traffic was very busy from Wadi Medani to Khartoum with lots of busses and taxis. We later found out that it was the end of Ead (a holiday period) and people were going back to work tomorrow (Sunday is Monday here). On the way to Khartoum we stopped and bought a cooldrink at one of the village shops. There were four fridges full of cold drinks on the stoep and the owner pulled out two chairs for us to sit down while we rest. Next thing he came back with a small pack of chewing gum for each of us – a gift! We sat a while more enjoying watching the donkeys go by and meeting some more people that came by to quickly say hello. Everybody was very friendly. Next thing we knew the owner took out two bottles of water from the fridge and gave that to us too – another gift! We then decided that we had to move on otherwise he would probably gave away all his profit! We were really touched by their hospitality.

Once we reached Khartoum we had to first get hold of a local sim card so that we could call Anita and Chris who we will be visiting in Khartoum. When we asked at a petrol station two guys on a 125cc bike said they will drive with us and show us where we can find one. We drove with them for about 5km and they went with us into the shop to help us buy the sim card and even then they refused any tip from us.

We got a bit lost in the busy Khartoum, but Chris came to our rescue and drove with us back to their place. It was great seeing them and we had a wonderful dinner that Anita made and a good time chatting away in Afrikaans! We will be staying here a few days to sort our alien registration and travel permit. I also had a lot of fun doing the washing tonight in a proper washing machine that works with the click of a button – bliss! Tania

6 thoughts on “Buy one get one free

  1. Dit klink bekend – Vreemde – Goeie mix van frustrasies, verwarring,verrassing en verwelkoming..
    Ek het gedink daai wasmasjien gaan jou opgewonde maak. Oe, en skoon klere!!!! Enjoy, en baie groete vir Anita en Chris!

  2. Ai dis ‘n slaak van verligting nê Tania – skoon wasgoed sonder sweet! Hoop jul rus goed uit en geniet die moedertaal. Dankbaar vir die vriedelike ontvangs in Soedan. Hoop Francois se keelseer is weg. Kan jy glo iemand vertel vanogg daar sneeu op die Boland se berge! Liefde uit ‘n nat koue Kaap!

  3. Hi Julle
    Se groete vir CP en Anita.
    Bly julle is daar en geniet die vreemde gevoel van wasmasjien klere

  4. Hi Francois en Tania,
    ek volg jul blog al lank, en geniet dit verskriklik baie – kan skaars wag vir die volgende een nie! Groot bewondering vir julle – volg ook die voetspore blog en het Calla en du Toit se avonture saam beleef en baie geniet, maar julle twee s’n is ‘n absolute hoogtepunt vir my.
    En ja, dit het inderdaad verlede nag gesneeu, Worcester se berge het ‘n sneeulagie op en dit is lekker koud hier. Selfs reën gehad vanoggend, gebeur maar min in CW… Baie sterkte en voorspoed vorentoe en geniet die “rusdae” in Khartoum!
    Groete Heidi.

  5. Die Sudanese hou baie van julle – julle word beslis nie soos ‘aliens’ behandel nie en nou nog egte boeregasvryheid in Khartoum… julle is so gelukkig! Het julle Voetspore se laaste paar ‘posts’ gelees? Klink nie asof ‘hasie’ vir ‘skilpad’ gaan inhaal nie! Ek het vanoggend wakker geword met ‘n donderende lawaai op die sinkdak; 4 ure aanmekaar stortreen. Vanmiddag selfs donderweer; julle arme Bolandse honde was vreesbevange en wou aldrie op my skoot klim. Geniet die huislikheid, lekker bederf en groete en dankie sommer ook van my af aan Anita en Chris. XXX

  6. Hi julle! Haha, ek het nou eers weer opvang gespeel – Sudan lyk en klink AMAZING! Geniet elke warm oomblik daarvan! Ek, Servaas, Heinrich en Aalwyn het vanaand terug gekom nadat ons gisteraand op Champagne Castle gaan slaap het. dit was die hardste naweek van my lewe (mega klim) maar ook een van die lekkerstes! Chat soon! V

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