January 17, 2025

Glumping in Awassa, Ethiopia

When we got up this morning after the best night’s sleep yet, we decided to stay another day. We like Awassa, the food is GOOD and it’s very reasonably priced and we’ve got a hot bath and a sit down toilet in the room. There’s even a carpet! We walked through town in search of a pizza joint on T4A and ended up at an Italian restaurant and had ravioli. Wow was it good! then we headed to the nearest internet cafe to post the past two days’ posts, but couldn’t upload any photos… sorry about that. We are now at a better internet shop, but still are not able to upload pics. We will have to get a data SIM card and use 3G, but that will have to wait for Monday and Addis Abeba when the shops are open. Please bear with us!

We calculated that we have around two weeks in Ethiopia, as we are only aloud as much in Sudan. We are not going to Axum anymore, as the bikes have worked hard enough in the dirt, so we will be taking it slow to get to Gonder. For the first time it feels like we’re on a vacation. The trip so far has been hard work at times, but SO rewarding.

For the people that followed the trip stats: Sorry, but it was too difficult to keep it up while posting pics and downloading everything, while doing washing and writing up other data manually. We are still contemplating the best medium by which to distribute the story and all the info after we return to SA.

We should reach the 10 000 km mark on the odometer some time tomorrow…

Have a great weekend!

7 thoughts on “Glumping in Awassa, Ethiopia

  1. Hi julle! Dis lekker om weer van julle te hoor 🙂 Eks so bly julle het weer ‘n lekker blyplek – goeie idee om n ekstra aand te bly. Ek kan nie wag om die fotos van Ethiopia te sien nie! Ek onthou net al die awesome footage van Long Way Down! Geniet die goeie kos en koffie!! 🙂 Luvya! Villiers

  2. Sjoe julle het ‘n rowwe tyd agter die blad en verdien ‘n bietjie bederf en rus en lekker kos!!! Geniet dit. Ek hoor van mense wat weet dat dit ‘n GROOT werk is om die data en foto’s vir ons te pos. BAIE DANKIE Francois en Tania dat ons kan deel in jul trip. So in dioe gees is ons met julle. Geniet Ethiopia en pas jul self goed op. Warm groete uit ‘n koue Kaap!

  3. Lekker om weer van julle te hoor! Ek mis die foto’s, maar, Hey! dis steeds wonderlik dat julle die moeite doen om te ‘post’ onder moeilike omstandighede. Gun julle die lekker blyplek, warm (skoon!)bad en lekker (goedkoop!) kos. 😀 Geniet en rus lekker uit. XX

  4. Hi
    Bly julle is weer opi lug, alive en kicking.
    Gaan goed met ons ook hier en my mond water as ek net aan daai koffie dink.
    Fanie en Gerda vanaf “Freeze”.

  5. Hoop julle batterye raak weer gecharge met die afdaggie. Hier by ons ‘n sonnige, matige herfsdaggie, drink nou ‘n Pabst Blue Ribbon biertjie en gaan net nou ‘n ‘n pap en mince ete aanmekaarklap.

  6. Hi daar Julle. Ek is bly die fietse het julle al vir 10 000km “gedra”! Geniet die rustiger reis en stort/bad genoeg vir die wis en onwis wat voorle. Luv. V1x

  7. Sjoe, you guys are so inspiring!! I’ve started following your journey only recently, and am so enjoying your posts! My husband and I plan to do something like this ourselves sometime, and it’s so good to see our belief supported – that smaller, LIGHTER bikes are the way to go! (Especially as I’m a kort-g@t, and all the big offroad/ds bikes are way too tall for me!)
    Keep having fun, and ride safe!!

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