January 17, 2025

Africa is a small world

Just after going to bed late last night we heard more vehicles come in and we also heard Afrikaans voices and something about Paarl (where we come from). Yep, it was the Voetspore guys again. We rushed out to greet them before they left before the restaurants close again. This morning we had a chance to chat with all of them. It was great as their first trip on TV about a decade ago was an inspiration and we also used their Cape to Cairo trip’s book as a reference when we planned the very section of road we have to take over the following couple of days. Johan Badenhorst (the Voetspore team leader) said they will be in Cairo a few days after us and offered to help with the shipping of the bikes (as they have three containers booked) if all works out. Wow, that would be amazing and it would be cool to catch up on their stories again. After chatting while packing our stuff in the shade of Gideon’s bakkie they took some pics and filmed us riding off. All the best with your trip and thanks for the shades Andre!

Voetspore in die kamp
Here they are filming some interviews with their team mates:


We also so said goodbye to our Dutch and German friends on their bikes. They are heading South and gave us some useful info and tips for the road North.

After refuelling and filling our fuel bags we took almost an hour to get clear of the greater Nairobi area. The traffic became less as we passed Mt Kenya and the last stretch was the most beautiful savannah and grasslands we’ve seen so far. We also crossed the equator for the third time on the trip:

We are camping at Gaddisa Lodge 3 km out of Isiolo and are alone here. We had to pitch the tent in the parking area as there are some nasty thorns on the grass, but the owner opened a room for us to have a hot shower. There is also a huge swimming pool, so I’ll be taking a dip before getting on the bike tomorrow.

Our camp
For the guys (and gals) out there who like wheels, here is a few pics of the vehicles parked at Jungle Junction:

The entrance is lined with weird customised vehicles:

AAA Entrance
This one apparently had four kids on board, but when they got restless they flew to Disney Land for a break:

AAA Disney World

This one is from South Africa:

and had this on the back:

Old timer:

AAA Merc
And another one:

Iveco bus:

Lots of wheels:

AAA Six wheels
There were normal ones as well:

AAA Vehicles for Africa
But my favourite remains: (the one on the left)

AAA Favourite

6 thoughts on “Africa is a small world

  1. Yes yes! Ek’s terug van ‘n great naweek ini wildtuin en sit nou alweer met trane in my oe nadat ek die laaste vier dae se posts opgevang het – julle leef die Groot Droom hier! Dis amazing!
    Ek’s bly julle ontmoet soveel ongelooflike mense, van vriendelike officials agter die toonbanke, tot interessante mede-bikers en natuurlik die Voetspore-manne…
    Ek hoop die tweede helfde van die toer verloop net so goed en ek kan nie wag om julle vroeg in Desember te sien nie! Ek sien hierdie week vir Eon-hulle en dan sal ons bietjie chat oor Desember se trippie 🙂
    Ek LOVE al die voertuie by JJ’s! Bewyse dat daar nog hope legends daar buite is 😉
    Lotsa love

  2. Fr, dis baie duidelik waar jou belangstelling le, wiele, alle soorte wiele! Dit gaan so lekker wees om hierdie week saans saam met Villiers jul stories te lees! Mooi ry verder, ek hou duim vas vir ‘n droe pad Noordwaarts. En, ek is seker die Voetspore-manne is baie jaloers op jou met ‘n vrou soos Tania-met-die-mooiste-glimlag wat als saam met jou doen! Liefde, E

  3. Dankie vir al die “wiele” fotos – my favourite is die 6x wiel job. Hy het seker nog die 4.1 Chev enjin….Ek hou duimvas dat die grondpad begaanbaar is.Lekker ry met julle skoon fietse! Luv. V1x

  4. Julle kan gerus die trip statistics bietjie update – vir die mense wat meer van syfers as van wiele hou.
    Sterkte vir die volgende skof.

  5. Hi!
    Baie bly die Voetspore-manne het julle raakgeloop. Hier by die huis praat ‘n vriend van ons al lankal daarvan om vir hulle jul besonderhede aan te stuur (Christo, volg jul trip ook van die begin af) sodat hulle kan kyk of hulle julle dalk iewers kan ontmoet…dit was toe nie nodig nie, dit het per toeval gebeur! Dit bly tog ‘n klein wereld.
    My man, Stefan, is die kameraman en ek kan sommer die verlange na ‘n 2-wiel-ryding in sy oe sien op die foto’s ;-). Ek weet julle leef sy droom. Dalk kan ek en hy ook eendag so ‘n tog aanpak.
    Ons bly ook nou in die Paarl – dalk kan julle weer bymekaarkom as almal terug is en verder stories uitruil.
    Wees veilig en geniet jul trip verder.
    Groete, van ons wat ongelukkig by die huis moes bly.

  6. Hi Tania
    Hoop dit gaan nog goed. Julle trip is verskriklik interesant ek try so ver moontlik als volg.
    Ons het so klein probleempie by die werk 🙂 ons is opsoek na laasjaar se minutes van die AGM. Lesley het bietjie gesoek op jou PC maar ons kan niks vind nie. Het jy moontlik ‘n idee waar jy dit gesave het(seker ‘n moeilike een mos amper ‘n jaar terug).
    Laat weet maar.
    Vriendelike groete van almal van Franschhoek Wine Valley
    Carmen xxx

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