January 17, 2025

Bread-crumbing the route

This is my first attempt at posting to the blog via email, so let’s see what happens. Our planning has finally moved into the gear just below top gear. Here Tania is mapping out our route with American bread crumbs (aka M&M’s), eating the destinations as she moves along.

We were in Gauteng the past week to sort out our visas, with little success except that we now know we cannot get the Ethiopian, Sudanese and Egyptian visas long before we leave, as they are only valid for three months. This means we’ll have to plan it so that we leave the day after the last visa is issued in order to reach Cairo before the visa expires.

Next we bought a Garmin Zumo 660 GPS and I am now trying to download our trip driving around in Pretoria and Johannesburg. Not very use-friendly is all I can say, but I am sure they’ll be able to help me over the phone tomorrow. We also got a GoPro Hero HD video camera from my brother, Villiers (www.visionphoto.co.za) which he kindly borrowed us for the duration of the trip. We’ll try it out some time this week. Phew, I am only now starting to realise how much we still need to figure out before we leave in September.

We’ll hopefully get the bikes sometime soon, then we still need the following: Carnet de Passages en Douane, Visas for aforementioned countries and a laptop of some sorts to blog with on the trip. Hopefully this blog will start to take shape in the next couple of days, so please start spreading the word and start following us on the blog. Good night!

4 thoughts on “Bread-crumbing the route

  1. Echt super gaaf! Ben nu al benieuwd naar jullie avonturen! Misschien nog een eindje doorrijden tot Eindhoven?hehe 🙂 jullie zijn welkom 🙂

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